Saturday, June 25, 2011

First Hair Cut

Greenliee's hair was starting to look like a mullet. I had Jeff bring her in the salon & I cut about 2in off the back & 1in off the top. Just to even things up. She was really good. The only thing she hated was when I tried to round brush the back. Her hair is still long enough to put in a pony tail on top.

She is so dramatic. But still adorable at the same time!

Garden! Before and After

Jeff had a vision of a garden at our new home. A really big garden so in February Jeff tore up the grass and Jeff's dad Jim came and helped cut the tree down. 
My mom and Jeff planted. 

{ i don't have a green thumb.}

And a few months later. 


We do have a lot of weeds and earwigs and potato bugs.  Which  harm your plants. There are hard to get rid of because we can't use pesticides. We are trying really hard to have a non-pesticide garden. 

So if you have this same issue we came up with a plan to get rid of earwigs.

* Take a plastic water bottle and cut it in half.

*Put some tuna fish in the bottom of your bottle.

* Take the top were you drink water out of and inverted in.

 *Then tape the sides up. 

*Lay your trap in garden and wait!!

-after you trap them just toss it away. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My couponing trip!

Here is my trip to Alberson's. I Spent a total of $40.58

I got:
(10) Boxes of Cereal 
(3) 12 Packs of Coke 
(3) Pepsi
(1) Pack of 8 small Coke's
(5) Hot dogs packs 
(1) Celary
(1) bag of Carrots
(3) Coffee Creamer's ( To make french toast with!)

So I Basically got each item for $1.50!

My trip to Target. I spent $13.45

(9) Crystal Light's (Living in St.G this is a must have!)

(5) Spicy Mustard (which I got for .66 Each!)

Basically got each item for $0.98

Walgreen's was a little more pricey. And I forgot to give the cashier a 2.99 coupon :(

(4) Pull up Diapers
(4) Razors
(2) Men Body Wash
(3) G Gatorade fuel

3.51 Per item.